I am because I can (c) Simone Weil

I have decades of painting, and started my career as a teen digital illustrator. Today my atelier is located in Berlin and I teach classic oil painting online and offline. I also have 18 years as a client of processual oriented therapy, object oriented psychoanalysis and negative psychoanalysis, and multiple listed further certificates from such teachers as Otto Kernberg or Nancy McWilliams. Therefore this service is a form of art healing, because you can feel free to combine our sessions with sharing any issues, and I will be as helpful as I can.
I am also a fan of negative psychoanalysis, cooperation and inclusiveness.


Practitioner Certificate in Negative Psychoanalysis, 2024.

Love Relations. Normality and Pathology. Conducted by Otto F. Kernberg, Workshop certificate, 2021

York University Emotional-focused Therapy Clinic, Introduction to Emotion-Focused Therapy, conducted by Leslie S. Greenberg, Workshop certificate, 2021

Nancy McWilliams: Malignant Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Overvalued Belief, Workshop certificate, 2023

Inner Supports, seminar certificate, 2024

Relationships with Oneself, Partner and the World, seminar certificate, 2022

Multiple philosophical lectures as a free listener
MA in Journalism, 2006